Relational Governance and Trust
“Creating and Capturing value in Repeated Exchange Relationships: Managing a Second Paradox of Embeddedness” (with Dan Elfenbein), Organization Science, 2017, 28(5): 894-914.
“Network Prominence, Bargaining Power, and the Allocation of Value Capturing Rights in High-Tech Alliance Contracts” (with Umit Ozmel, Jeffrey Reuer, and Deniz Yavuz), Organization Science, 2017, 28(5): 947-964.
“What is a Relationship Worth? Repeated Exchange and the Development and Deployment of Relational Capital” (with Dan Elfenbein), Organization Science, 2014, 25(1): 222-244. Recipient: Best Paper Award, Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference (ACAC), 2009.
“Dealing with the Paradox of Embeddedness: The Role of Contracts and Trust in Facilitating Movement out of Committed Relationships” (with Sergio Lazzarini and Gary Miller), Organization Science, 2008, 19(5); 709-728.
“Examining the Conditional Limits of Relational Governance: Specialized Assets, Performance Ambiguity, and Long-standing Ties” (with Laura Poppo and Zheng Zhou), Journal of Management Studies, 2008, 45(7): 1195-1216.
“Order with Some Law: Complementarity vs. Substitution of Formal and Informal Arrangements” (with Sergio Lazzarini and Gary Miller), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2004, 20 (2): 261-298 (lead article).
“Do Formal Contracts and Relational Governance Function as Substitutes or Complements?” (with Laura Poppo), Strategic Management Journal, 2002, 23(8): 707-725. Recipient: The Dan and Mary Lou Schendel Best Paper Prize, Strategic Management Society, 2019.